Minehead Running Club Constitution
1. Title
The Club shall be known as Minehead Running Club (hereinafter to be referred to as "theClub").
The Club colours are blue with a vertical white stripe
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Club shall be:
To encourage the practice, promotion, development and participation of amateur running in Minehead and the wider community.
The Club shall seek to be affiliated to national and regional amateur athletic bodies as the Committee consider appropriate in order to carry out the objectives of the Club. Currently the Association of Running Clubs
3. Membership
Membership of the Club shall be open to persons who are amateurs, regardless of sex, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs if aged 18 or over. Children may be able to participate in some Club events/activities if supervised by parent/guardian. At present the Club only offers adult membership.
Each membership application must be made by on-line electronic submission using the web site application form.
Life membership of the Club may be conferred upon any member by a majority vote of those present at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in recognition of someone who has performed an outstanding service, or who has made an outstanding contribution to the Club. .
The Committee shall have the power to suspend or exclude any member for contravention of this Constitution, documented rules or published codes of conduct that may exist at that time.
4. Subscriptions
Annual subscriptions shall become due for payment on 1st March each year, with the amounts being determined by the AGM.
Members joining after the 1st January shall be deemed to have paid their subscription
for the following year.
Any member failing to make payment by 31st March shall cease to be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership and will be expelled provided that notice has been sent at least twice to the member’s last known email address
5. Management
a. The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee that shall consist of the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary who shall be Officers of the Club together with a maximum of ten other members. All the foregoing shall be elected at the AGM and remain in office until the conclusion of the AGM of the following year.
b. Three elected Committee members are required for a quorum for a Committee meeting to take place providing the Chairman or Secretary is present.
c. The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies if they arise and to co-opt members.
d. The Committee shall also have the power to establish any sub Committee deemed
appropriate to assist in meeting the objectives of the Club, and to delegate to these sub
Committees such duties as may be considered appropriate.
6. Annual General Meeting
The AGM shall be held in the months of January or February as dictated by the practical circumstances applicable at that time.
At the AGM the meeting will:
Receive annual reports from the officers.
Elect the officers and the Committee for the ensuing year.
Consider any business of which 14 days notice has been given to all members.
Transact only notified business.
At least 21 days notice shall be given to members of the date, and venue and 14 days notice of agenda items for the AGM.
All registered members of the Club at the meeting who are aged 18 years or more shall
have one vote. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman will have a second, casting, vote.
7. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
An EGM may be called by the Committee to discuss changes to the Constitution and Rules
or any other Club business too urgent to wait for the AGM.
An EGM must be called if 25% of voting members so petition the Secretary in writing.
Three weeks notice of an EGM must be given to the all members by email or in writing together with the motion/s to be discussed. No other business shall be conducted.
Procedures for voting shall be as used for the AGM.
8. Finance
The financial year of the Club shall end on 31st August.
All funds belonging to the Club shall be deposited with a bank or building society in
accounts that shall carry the Club title.
Property and Funds
The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club.
9. Winding Up
The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present
and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.
The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.
After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to another Club with similar sports purposes
The Constitution may be altered but only by a resolution passed by two-thirds of those present and voting at an AGM or an EGM called for that purpose.
Revision History
This Constitution was formerly adopted at the AGM held on 7/2/2024 and replaces the club’s Constitution amended 26/7/1990