Club Charity
2023 We have decided not to support a charity this year, as we have not been able to run the events that raise the money - The Seaview 17 and the Stagger/Stumble.
In 2022 We were proud to partner with 'Poppins' Community Shop and gave them £1000. All of this money will be spent helping local children. They spent £300 before Christmas on buying costumes for the Nativity at Watery Lane School. The previous costumes had been irreparably damaged by water and the Nativity was going to be cancelled at the last minute until Poppins stood in. Watch this space to see where the rest of the money goes.
Poppins take in unwanted childrens clothing, books and toys and sell them at very reasonable prices. Proceeds all go to local needy children.
Prostate Cancer UK
The Club supported Club member Steve Goodman-Mongers amazing run along the South West Coast Path in memory of his dad with £500 - Amazing effort Steve.
Every year the club donates profits from certain club events to a local charity. To date we have donated over £17,000 to various charities.
In 2020 the chosen charity was Charlie's Challenge.
As many of you know little Charlie Taphouse-Burt (Club members Jo Taphouse-Burt's son and Phil Taphouse's grandson) was born 7.5 weeks premature in December.
He was in the Musgrove Park SNICU (Somerset Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) until January where he received the most amazing care from a really dedicated team.
Like all things NHS, money is an issue.
They are short of Vapotherm units which assist premature and other sick babies to breathe - they have 5 of these but usually need more, or else they have to use older gadgets which have poorer outcomes.
Charlie was on one of these amazing machines, which breathed for him for several days until his lungs were better developed.
The Club has agreed to take on Charlie’s Challenge this year to give back a little to the unit and help them give life support to even more babies in need.
The cost is around £3,500 so please give what you can so we can meet Charlie's target.
Charlie's Challenge is now closed - it raised an amazing £17,000 which was handed over on Charlie's 1st Birthday. Charlie says 'Thank you' to Minehead Running Club for your amazing help.
Love Musgrove. Charity number 1059922
More details and link to Just Giving Page:
Recent other charities have been:
Watchet Sea Scouts
Surfers against Sewage
Elliot's Touch
Downs Syndrome
Sea Horse Centre
Air Ambulance
Talking Newspaper
Minehead Cricket Club
Young Carers