Runners Guide
Your safety is your responsibility.
Think about where you are going running and wear suitable kit.
The weather can change rapidly. Think about carrying extra kit.
Know who the run leader is - listen to the instructions - take note of the route.
Offer to help the leader if you feel confident to do so.
Assist any runner in trouble.
Reflective Gear is needed for winter runs.
Beware of traffic at all times.
Carry a Phone if you can but remember there are lots of no signal places.
Think about using W3W app for giving your position.
Tell someone where you are going - and when you should be back
Run Leaders Guide:
Plan your run - what type of run will it be? How will the runners know where to go?
Carry 1st aid kit + phone
Know how many runners you have
Brief runners before you start - enlist help of other runners if required.
Have a policy to deal with a casualty - this will depend on where you are.
In Town - Casualty could - walk back, be helped back, be picked up in someone’s car
and driven back. Taken home, to Minehead Hospital MIU or dial 999.
In the Countryside - Casualty could - walk back, be helped back, be left with another
runner whilst you go for help or Call 999
Don’t forget the rest of the group.
Have a look at the What3words app - this can be used to aid emergency services
they all are able to use this.
1st Aid kit:
2 Foil blankets for keeping casualty warm
Saline pods for cleaning wounds.
Plasters, bandages antiseptic
What3Words w3w
w3w is a position sharing app for Apple and Android. It gives a reference to your position which can easily be transferred to someone else. It is a powerful tool and is used by the emergency services.
The words at the top are a three-word reference to your position.
Your position can be accurately given even if you are in the middle of nowhere.
To share your location, select ‘Share’ at the bottom of the screen, then select a medium to share on,
such as whatsApp, email, text - social media. The words are given, even if you have no phone
signal. If you need help and have someone with you, they can take a photo of your phone or
memorise or write the words and go for help.
If you receive three words you can type them in at the top, and that will pinpoint that particular square,
or you can enter them in on google maps or the iphone equivalent and these can be used to navigate
to that place. The emergency services are able to use these words, so this is a really useful App
to have.
If you haven’t used it try it out and become familiar with how it works.